Annoying Things About WordPress

20 Annoying Things About WordPress You Would Wish To Fix

There are many platforms for starting your blogging venture but each platform consists some odd things for which, people wish to fix easily.

WordPress is no new from them. There are many annoying things about WordPress which can brainstorm the beginners.

It’s considered as one of the best content management system in today’s era of online business. Though its tweaks can be easy yet hard for many.

In this article, you will learn about these annoying things and the solution to each.

The List of Things Which Can Annoy Many WordPress Users

In the past few years, I have elaborated how WordPress works and what are the things its users would wish to get fixed with simple steps.

Have you ever thought about something like this in your starting days? Let me start the list.

#1. Changing Username

Everytime you read an article about WordPress security tips, one of the first things comes on the list of changing your default username.

By default, it’s “admin” and many people forget to change it which later turn out to be fatal. This can be annoying for those who are not so techie.

#2. Keeping The Backup

No doubt that backing up your website and the database can be overwhelming. Many WordPress users want to get rid of this extra work and buy a web hosting which has a daily backup option.

Either you use any plugin or manually backup your website and the database. People get stuck when they fail to accomplish their task with one method they know.

That’s why you should know the different ways to backup your WordPress database.

#3. Changing Password Again And Again

The security of your website is a major concern. To harden the security, it’s always recommended to change your password at the regular interval of time.

The problem occurs when WordPress users fail to do that using the password lost link on the login page. And the use of cPanel can scare many.

You should follow the proper guide to change WordPress password.

#4. Renaming The Uncategorized Category

Along with the WordPress installation, many default settings appear on your website. One of them is the uncategorized category.

If you publish any post without adding any category for the first time, it will get publish under the uncategorized category.

It’s because the default category is set to uncategorized. To fix this issue, you should either rename the uncategorized category or delete it and set a new default category.

#5. The Struggle To Find The Right WordPress Plugin

WordPress website is all about plugins and that’s why people love to use this amazing platform. But finding the perfect plugin can be frustrating.

There are thousands of plugins in the WordPress repository which can be confusing. To fix this problem, you should know about the list of important plugins to start a WordPress blog.

#6. Getting More Control on WordPress Post Editor

By default, you don’t get as many options as you require to create a blog post worth reading. You need more tools to make an audit.

Well, the problem can be solved with the use one simple plugin. Install and activate WP-Edit plugin and you will get all the options for post formatting.

#7. Choosing The Best Design

WordPress websites are known for their attractive designs because of their themes. There are many free and premium WordPress themes available in the market.

And this can be one of the annoying things about WordPress because how can you expect to choose the best design from all.

There are many theme providers like Elegant Themes, MyThemeShop, and more. To fix this confusion, it’s always good to hire someone to design a custom website for you.

You can contact us for a custom website.

#8. Locked Out of The Admin Panel

Nothing is more irritating than a situation when you are not able to login to your WordPress admin panel. It can freak most of the WordPress users.

The reason may be a plugin, your theme, maybe something else. You can relate to such situation when you have all of your hard work and you can’t even have access to it.

#9. Setting Automatic Updates

Many people who aren’t capable of managing their WordPress blog struggle to enable automatic updates for WordPress plugins and themes.

As you know, it’s always recommended to keep your website updated but it can be one of the annoying things about WordPress for not so regular users.

#10. Fixing The Most Common WordPress Errors.

Handling a WordPress website needs more concern than you think. There are many common errors in WordPress which can be overwhelming.

For beginners, it can be a nightmare. They can’t stand such situations. They frequently need guidance to fix such errors.

#11. Deactivating All The WordPress Plugins

Every time any error appears on a WordPress website, it’s always recommended to deactivate all WordPress plugins. It’s because most of the time, a plugin update or any poorly coded plugin appears to be the culprit.

To fix this, either you use your Plugins’ section or you can do that using the cPanel of your web hosting account. But it can be scary to most of the users.

#12. Login Page Refreshing Problem

There are many annoying things about WordPress and this is something I would say oddly irritating. When you try to do something in the admin panel and it gets redirected to the login page or getting refreshed again and again.

For every WordPress user, it doesn’t seem to a favorable situation. Read this guide to fix WordPress login redirect problem.

#13. Adding Post Excerpt

Though most of the WordPress themes comes with an inbuilt post excerpt coding markup but if not then it can be brainstorming for many users.

You can either add an excerpt manually using the “Read More” button from the post editor or you can add an excerpt in place of the content in the WordPress theme.

You can also change excerpt length.

#14. Optimizing The Database

Maintaining the speed of a website is one the biggest challenges. People struggle to improve the page loading time of their website.

The database optimization is considered as a headache because there is no manual method. You have to use a plugin.

You can clean up your WordPress database properly using the plugins like WP-Sweep and WP-Optimize.

#15. Getting Rid of Spam Comments

I remember when I used to get hundreds of spam comments and there was nothing to get rid of those. It can be the pain in the ass.

That’s why it’s always recommended to install Akismet and use any CAPTCHA plugin for extra filters. You can also use GASP plugin to add an extra checkbox to allow only humans to comment.

#16. Displaying Excerpts In RSS Feeds

Just like your WordPress website, you would want to show a summary instead of the full posts in RSS feeds. For beginners, it can be a no clue situation.

Well, it’s very easy. Just go to Settings>>Reading and scroll down. Choose the radio button for the summary in front of Feed’s option.

#17. Choosing The Best Caching Plugin

It can be really annoying when you start searching for the best caching plugins and find many. Having a caching plugin is always important.

The plugins like W3 Total Cache and WP Super Cache are considered as the most used and effective plugins. For better results, you should know the best settings of WP Super cache and w3 Total Cache plugins.

#18. Handling 404 Error

It’s so common to get 404 error in the Google Search Console for a few posts and pages of your website. Such annoying things about WordPress can turn its users down.

Though 404 error isn’t an error you should get scared of. It can be fixed either by redirecting your old post to the new one or by some other authentic ways.

#19. Fixing Broken Image Links After Blog Migration

More and more people are migrating their blog from other platforms like Blogger to WordPress. But after migration, whenever they see broken image links they freak out.

It can be really irritating when you see your attractive images go away. You see only the broken links instead of the images.

#20. Understanding More About WordPress

Apart from all the basic errors and settings, most of the users strive to know more about WordPress. Well, it’s a vast platform which requires so much time to get learned about.

I have been learning about WordPress for many years and still face many problems during my blogging journey. It’s all about how you manage to keep the basic WordPress knowledge at a perfect pace.

What Are The Annoying Things About WordPress You Would Want To Get Fixed

It’s really irritating when you try hard to grow your WordPress blog and some unhappening error appears without any reason.

Such things can be scary to most of the users. Most of the time WordPress plugins are the culprits. But you can’t blame anyone until you find out the real problem.

For proper settings, you need someone to guide you. WordPress is so easy if you give a few days to know more about it.

Are there any more annoying things about WordPress you would want to tell us? What’s the most irritating and scary moment you have faced?

If you liked the article then connect with us on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hello Ravi,

    You have mentioned some really annoying stuff with WP. But however, some of them like choosing which plugin or theme and opting for backup and cache are our tasks that we have to do as bloggers. We have to make sure our website is functioning well without any loading issues or malware and these are necessary steps towards that.

    So what is the alternative to WP?

    1. Hey Praveen,

      As I have mentioned above, there are many things which can make you feel horrible. But every problem has a solution. If you wish to have to enjoy WordPress, you have to learn these basic things.

      Well, there is nothing better than WordPress till now.


  2. Hi Ravi, I have had a few over the years. The biggest is the plugins that can make it all come down and another time I could not log in. Having a great host is helpful. I use Hostgator and they have 24/7 tech support. They were able to get me back up and running within an hour. I tried to do some coding on my own and messed up ?

    Thanks for these tips Ravi. They do come in handy!

    1. Hey Lisa,

      Last year, when I was using the thesis framework, one plugin caused some problem and I was getting redirected to the homepage whenever I open any post or use the admin panel.

      It can be really annoying. Yes, a reliable web hosting is always the best thing to have.

      Thanks for sharing with us.


  3. Hello Ravi, one thing that annoys me is that whenever I installed a plugin and later decide to just deactivate it from the list, it leaves unnecessary files in the database which is a big burden.

    Also, we all know that speed really matters but with a lot of unnecessary codes/files it really gets the site too slow. Thankfully, there some good plugin which could handle this type of issues.

    ‘Til next time. Thank you so much, awesome list.


  4. Hey Ravi,

    These are definitely some annoying things with WordPress. I’ve definitely experienced some broken links when I migrated a website from Hostgator to SiteGround.

    It was annoying to have to fix them. While it would be great to not have to deal with these types of annoying issues on WordPress, unfortunately, it’s something we have to deal with when we have a self-hosted blog.

    Your tips will definitely help people tackle WordPress issues when they come up.

    Thanks for sharing these tips with us. I am sure that they will help out many people.

    Have a great day ?


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